Thursday, August 7, 2014

It's been over a month!

I'm going to blame the lovely summer weather for not posting more often.  Who wants to be on the computer when we can be outside sleeping on the swing.  Or walking in the sun.  I for one have been really enjoying the summer.

I had plans of taking all my scraps outside and cutting them down to usable sizes while enjoying the weather.  Good intentions are not able to keep me from the heavy gravity area on that swing!  Although I did get some binding stitched on a quilt a couple of days ago while sitting outside.

There are those who are having problems dealing with this heat though.  Especially one dear friend who has shingles.  I can't imagine what she's going through.  When I had shingles it was winter.  That was bad enough.  Having it in summer!  I'm praying for a speedy recovery for her.  And here's a recommendation for everyone.  Get the immunization for shingles!  Did you know that you can get it more than once?  Yep.  Get that shot!

Enough of the public service announcement and back to the sewing room.  I'm currently trying to make a wallet.  I should be finished this weekend and can't wait.  The wallet I'm currently using does not have a place for coins.  I must be fussy because I can't find one I like in the local stores (at least not at a price I'm willing to pay). 

There is one more finished quilt in my collection of flying geese quilts.

I guess the cats are not impressed with it.  They didn't even give it a test nap.

On the FitBit side of things.  I've walked a minimum of 10,000 steps every day since February 10th.  Probably time to up my goal to 12,000.  So the challenge is to see if I can do 12,00 steps every day until Halloween.  Then I'll up it again.

The City of Edmonton has been hearing from me.  First it was a fence in a school field that was broken.  The top metal rail was broken and sticking out at about 3 feet off the ground onto a side walk.  I could just imagine a child riding a bike into it and impaling themselves.  One e-mail to the city and it was fixed within 48 hours.  That was a pleasant surprise.

Today I sent the city this photo:
This fence across a busy side walk forces people to walk into the mud, snow and water.  The fence was put there to keep people from riding their bikes straight onto a busy avenue into traffic.  I'm sure it saves lives.  But there are other ways to keep people safe.  A staggered fence would work:

The side walk is used by several hundred people a week.  It's in an elementary school field. Next to this school field is a shopping centre. Across the avenue from the field is another school.  Plus there are dozens of people who use the bus stops on this avenue daily to get to and from work.  I'm sure they appreciate having to wade through the mud in their business clothes.

It will be interesting to see what the city's response will be to this concern.  I don't expect a response as fast as the one regarding the broken fence.  This will be a lot more work and expense.  So it would be completely understandable if it takes some time.  Just as long as it does get fixed eventually. 

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